Engagement for better results

Content marketing starts with an outward focus. The goal is to attract prospects and generate leads by using editorial, graphics and video your target audiences want to know more about.

Rather than pushing products or special offers, content marketing works by offering high-quality, targeted material that is first and foremost helpful and useful. Successful content marketing follows 5 steps.


Set clearly defined goals


Create content to connect

Content marketing produces sustainable value and makes it easier for brands and customers to connect with one another. Through thought leadership pieces and sought-after information we help to generate new CRM contacts. 

  • Whitepapers
  • Blog posts
  • Webinars
  • e-books
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Articles in industry publications
  • Event presentations
  • Surveys
  • Video


Attract prospects to your content

The content marketing process thrives on adding new contacts to the CRM database so you can email them. Options for attraction include advertising in print and search engines, press releases, social media and sponsored listings.

Once contacts are in the CRM, email marketing — as part of marketing automation system — is used to nurture these clients and prospects in the sales funnel.


Set up and utilize a marketing automation system

By using an automation system your emails can be targeted, personalized and relevant, the three keys to a successful campaign. Our process combines content and automation to help you achieve your results. We can help:

  • Generate more leads by identifying anonymous web visitors and capturing them with forms so your sales funnel stays full.
  • Increase number of qualified leads by nurturing all leads with personalized content.
  • Drive more sales by identifying sales-ready leads for the sales team, and helping them follow up as fast as possible.
  • Improve up-selling and cross-selling by developing and retaining existing customers.
  • Manage and coordinate multiple point tools such as email and webinar management applications, and/or the need to integrate such tools with contact management and CRM platforms and programs.

Businesses using marketing automation to deliver content and nurture prospects see a

451% increase

in qualified leads.


Track results and adjust

Marketing Automation systems provide a tool to track interactions with clients and prospects. We can improve all aspects of your content and marketing automation by reviewing and analyzing results. We are able to:

  • Simplify the management and coordination of activities, such as marketing campaigns, channel management, reporting, and analytics.
  • Reduce the time needed to create and deploy campaigns, or respond to sales-ready leads in real time.
  • See comprehensive ROI for every marketing tactic by tracking the entire sales process from end-to-end.
  • Use reporting and data to base recommendations.

Marketing automation performs better than email marketing alone.

According to Autopilot, companies using marketing automation generate twice as many leads as those using just email software.

30 Marketing Automation Statistics by Peter Sharkey

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